
Minesweeper game original
Minesweeper game original

minesweeper game original

This abstract way of looking at the game allows us to come up with many different versions of the game by simply replacing this network. The minefield could then be viewed as a network where each node corresponds to a location and where adjacent locations are connected by a link. If we look at this game and these variants more abstractly, then what all these versions have in common is that the ‘minefield’ can be described as a number of locations (squares, triangles, hexagons or cubes) and some way of telling which locations are adjacent. There exist many variants of this game, including versions with triangular grids, hexagonal grids and three-dimensional layouts. If this description does not yet trigger nostalgia, then it may be good to try out the original game before reading the rest of the article. The game is won when all squares without mines have been stepped on.

Minesweeper game original